Real Science.
Real Results.

Debuzz is a blend of probiotics and nutritional supplements that are specifically selected to increase your metabolic ability, allowing your body to process food and drink faster. With super liver and gut support, feel good tonight and tomorrow morning.


After drinking, alcohol first passes through the stomach and GI tract before entering the liver. Normally, a small amount of alcohol is processed in the stomach, but most of it goes to your liver.


Debuzz proprietary blend of 3 probiotics stimulate alcohol metabolizing enzymes in the stomach, effectively creating a second liver in your gut. This allows you to metabolize food and drink faster, while also protecting your liver from doing all the work.


This probiotic blend is supercharged by key ingredients that further accelerate metabolization in the stomach and the liver:


a well-tested ingredient that’s known to increase cellular regeneration and help oxidation of alcohol.


an amino acid that stimulates toxin removal in the stomach and GI tract.


a super antioxidant that stimulates the alcohol breakdown enzymes in your liver.


With your stomach and your liver working together, the result is accelerated breakdown of acetaldehyde, a compound that makes you feel bad after drinking. The body processes acetaldehyde naturally, but at a slow rate. When this toxin builds up in the system, you may get the symptoms that turn a fun night out into a bad night in– flushing, nausea, headaches, and that fuzzy feeling the next morning. So the longer it takes for your body to process acetaldehyde, the worse you feel.


Debuzz features a powerful combination of probiotics and super ingredients that supports your body to process acetaldehyde and other harmful by-products of food and drink faster. Feel the effects fast – and all the way through to the next morning.

Probiotics 101

Probiotics are made of good live bacteria and/or yeasts that naturally live in your body. You constantly have both good and bad bacteria in your body. Good bacteria helps eliminate extra bad bacteria, keeping you in balance. Probiotic-supplements are a way to add good bacteria to your body.

The efficacy of a probiotic isn’t just about the amount of bacteria, it’s also about the type. Debuzz is made from a proprietary blend of 3 different probiotics that provide scientifically tested enzymes that can increase the rate of breaking down alcohol and acetaldehyde. Debuzz is the only probiotic specifically targeted to help you process food and drink faster, while also giving you all the holistic health benefits of good bacteria.


To develop a proprietary blend of probiotics that can provide fast-acting enzymes for alcohol metabolism, we conducted laboratory studies on a large number of probiotic bacteria within our collection.  After selecting a few and re-testing different blends for alcohol breakdown abilities, our final blend of probiotics was developed to deliver optimal activity for relief after food and drink consumption.

We then conducted human studies with different formulations of this blend and other key ingredients with targeted health benefits in real-life settings with meals and drinks.  After scientific analysis of the data from breathalyzer and feedback from the participants, Debuzz was created to deliver a quick relief from the after-party effects.